Oasis University (OU) welcomes dedicated Christians regardless of age, sex, race, or national origin. However, OU reserves the right to restrict or deny admission to any applicant for reasons determined to be in the best interest of the school by the officers thereof, or if a student cannot agree with the Doctrinal Statements of the University. This reserved right will be administered in a manner consistent with state and federal non-discrimination laws.
As the following criterion indicates, OU practices a comprehensive approach to our admission policy. All criteria will be considered by the admissions committee in determining each applicant’s acceptance to OU.
Admissions officials at OU consider a student’s GPA an important academic factor. An applicant’s high school class rank, letters of recommendation, student’s vision, and personal testimony are considered by admissions officials at OU.

Submission of the application form and application fee is the first step to enrollment at Oasis University. The application can be downloaded or completed online. The application can also be requested by email
To be considered for admission, all undergraduate and graduate students are required to submit the following to the Oasis University Admissions Office:
1- Application for Admission
2- A cover letter stating educational and spiritual goals
3- Comprehensive resume including education, employment, secular and religious seminars attended, church work experience, special training, etc.
4- Copy of high school or GED diploma and/or official undergraduate/graduate transcript
5- Pastoral Recommendation.
6- Copies of relevant awards, certificates, etc.
7- $25.00 non-refundable Application Fee.
8- $50.00 non-refundable Evaluation Fee.
9- Headshot photo.
Once all information is received, the applicant’s file will go before the admissions committee for approval. The Office of Admissions will inform the applicant of the admission committee’s action. If an applicant fails to register for classes within one year of approval, he/she will be required to reapply and supply updated information.